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Sending Love to the world
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Send Love
From Send

Thank you everyone who came to Send Love 2010.  Another Send Love event took place in Pasadena CA.
We had wonderful music, and a wonderful lecture.   It was indeed a great day!    Every Day is a Send Love day.

The world came together to Send Love in November 1999.
I Would Like to Thank Everyone who participated In Sending Love On Send Love Day.   To Those that continue to Send Love, I honor you for being YOU.

May The Love that you put out touch your Loved Ones with the understanding that we are all of the same family.  The Human Family.

This is Your Web Site because without YOU, this cannot happen.


Your Love is needed. 

  •  Love Can Not Co-Exist with Hatred
  •  Love Can Not Co-Exist with Anger
  •  Love Can Not Co-Exist with Fear
  •  Love Can Not Co-Exist with Resentment
  •  Love Can Not Co-Exist with Violence

Help Put More Love Into The World So That It Can Go Out And Heal What Needs To Be Healed


The Send Love Message

We are being offered a day in which we can all come together and Send Love to the world. We all know that conditions exist in this world that can be improved with more Love. Love is the most powerful resource that we have. By making the decision to fill up the World with Love, we will shed light in darkened places. We are taking action that will begin the process of helping to heal the World and bring more Loving experiences our way.

By putting Love into the world it will go out and help heal what needs healing, it will help us understand more. It will help us have more compassion for one another. It will help us honor the planet and appreciate it for how it sustains our life. It will make it easier to be accepting and supportive of one another. It will help us to see the beauty that is available to us with every passing moment. It will help us to be more loving human beings. It will help us honor the animals for their role on this planet. It will help us share hope with one another and it will bring about a better tomorrow.

There are people on this planet living under conditions that are so dire that they do not have a sense of hope. They live every day in despair. They may have lost a loved one, or they may have some debilitating disease, or they may be unable to feed their own children. There are people who are under constant fear for their own safety, or for the safety of their loved ones. You may know some of these people or this may be you.

This is your opportunity to Send Love out to the world with the understanding that even one glimpse of hope can change a life forever. One ray of light can light up a room. This is your opportunity to help put more light in the world.

We are all on this planet together. If we can agree that we will all come together to Send Love to the world, we will be taking a step closer to being more loving human beings on this beautiful planet. On this day, we can all make the decision to do this together.

What are we waiting for? There is nothing that can stop us. There is no need to wait for certain planets to become aligned in the sky or for some person to come forth and lead us. We can all decide to do this today. Are we going to wait for everyone else to make this world a more loving place before we help, or are we going to take responsibility and take action today? We can help make this happen and no one can keep us from participating because we are doing this from our hearts.

It is through our ancestors that we came to be. It is through them that we have this opportunity of Life. Let us put meaning into the lives of our ancestors, whether that is your parents, your great-great-grandparents, or anyone who lived their life before you. Let us put meaning into their lives by living up to the challenge that we face in this time in history. Let us prove to ourselves that Love works. Let us live the loving life that we are meant to live with one another.

By taking action today, we will be making this planet something that we can be proud of leaving to our children, our children's children and all generations to come. Do your part because without you we are missing something. Not everyone on the planet needs to start the process. The renaissance was started by a small group of people that knew that things could be better. Let us start planting the seeds today for a better tomorrow.

How do you Send Love? You do this by using what you already know.

If you pray, then pray that the World be filled with more Love. If you meditate, then meditate on a World filled with Love. If the strongest Love that you have is for your children then hold them in your arms or in your heart and when you find yourself filled with Love, Send it out to the World. USE WHAT YOU KNOW.

If your faith in the world is based on your knowing of the existence of The Divine Creator, God, Goddess, Allah, Brahman, Krishna, Grandfather, Spirit, whatever your name may be, then turn to your Creator and ask that you be used as an instrument of Love. Ask to be filled with Love then using your imagination, direct it out to the world. Feel Love through every cell in your body and then imagine it going out through every inch of your body.

If we do not do it today, then when are we going to do it?   If we do not commit to participating then there will be something left out.   This is not a "positive thinking" event.  This is about the most powerful source in the universe - LOVE.   If we begin to talk about this day, if we begin to talk about the power of Love and share it with others, we will be empowered to begin to take action.   We will begin to  be more Loving to one another and in doing so we will not have time to be angry or judgemental or to hold on to resentments toward one another.   There are very real concerns that exist in this world and if something stirs in us that will lead us to taking action in a loving way, then it will all be worth it.

It is very important that you let others know that you will participate on this day. By doing so you are offering yourself as an example of what can be done. We need as much LOVE as possible to go out to the World on this Day-Especially Yours.


Do it for your Loved Ones, Do it for The World!!

Come and be a part of this. Help make this a Worldwide Event. I need help with distribution of information and stickers, print, radio, and television access, web design, publishing, financial assistance, musicians, language translators and most of all I need you to Send Love!!

Send Love

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